?????? ????? – ??????? Ruesi Dtaa Wua / Na Wua
Cow headed Phra Ruesi Na Wua has the official name of “Phra Ruesi Wachamaradee” (meaning “cowfaced”), and is in fact, no other than the great Ruesi Valmiki (Waalamigi, in Thai) himself.
Chom Rom RakPor Gae (website of Ajarn Gaew – ?????????????
Phra Ruesi Dta Wua, or as he is commonly known and falsely called; “Na Wua”, is of the “Chan Tep” (Angleic realm) variety of Ruesi.In Thai legends, he was once a Bhuddhist Bhikkhu, who was blind. He is supposed to have lived in the City of Sri Taep. He liked to practise the control of the elements and of various materia, which he could find, obtain, or even create his own formulas, in order to attain new secret powers.One time he was extremely pleased to obtain some Mercury. Unfortunately, one day, one of his apprentices dropped it down the toilet, and was too afraid to tell. Ruesi Dta Wua was confused where his Mercury had gone, and asked his disciples to look for it. One day a disciple saw something glowing with green light in the sewers, and ran back to the ashram of Ruesi Dta Wua to recount the tale. The hermit sage Wachamaradee (actually he was still called this, as he was still a blind eyed person and had not obtained his Cow Eyes yet) told the disciple to run and get the merury, placing it in a honeybowl.
Wachamaradee the thought “well then, now that i have some special substance, i can use this materia to cure my blindness!”He told his apprentices and disciples to go and find some eyes for him. The disciples looke everywhere, but were unable to find some human eyes for their Master. Finally, they stumbled across the corpse of a young calf, and decided to take the eyes of the calf to their Master instead.
On receiving the eyballs, Ruesi Wachamaradee prpared for the ceremony. The Ruesi sage began to chant his spells and katas to work on the Mercurial power, and the miraculous power of his spells enabled him to insert the eyes in his skull.The Hermit Sage walked to the mirror to look at himself, upon doing which, was shocked to see that his whole face had been transformed into that of a cow’s!The apprentices and disciples had to beg the now no longer blind Bhikkhu Wachamaradee forgiveness.Wachamaradee was compassionate though and bestoed them his fogiveness and blessing.
He was a little sad upon seeing this, as he was forced to think “I shall have to leave the Sangha of Bhuddhist Monks now, as it is forbidden for animals to be ordained as Bhikkhus”.

After this, he disrobed from the Sangha, and was ordained as a Ruesi instead, entering the deep forest, and building an Ashram for practising the ways of the ascetic hermit, and practise Kasina and control of the elements. One day, he encountered a gorup of 10 Ruesi Hermit Sages, the leaders of which were Phra Ruesi Pilaalai and Phra Rasi Dta Fai (Otherwise known in Thai legends as “Por Gae” (?????? ????????), and asked to join them as the 11th member. Due to the fact that he had once been a Bhikkhu, his advancements are considered to be greater than most of the other Ruesi in the group, and in addition, the fact that he knew both the legend and ancient tradition and history of elemental magic, and the formulas, he was also adept in the practise of elemental magick as well. For this reason, whether doctor of medical factions, or even chemists, will revere Phra Ruesi Dta Wua as one of their “Kroo Ba Ajarn” (teacher masters).
*Phra Ruesi Dta Wua/Na Wua, should not be confused with Phra Ruesi Na Nuea, whom i have already documented in this grimoire.
*Valmiki Rishi – Phra Ruesi Waalamigi is reputed to have been the Ruesi Valmiki, who wrote the Ramayana Epic – for this reason, the Thai legend’s suggestion that Ruesi Dta Wua was a ruesi from Thailand, is most probably untrue